For One Democratic State
in the whole of Palestine (Israel)


FOR One Man, One Vote



A new book Homo americanus by our friend Tom Sunic is out! (see below)

With foreword by Professor Kevin MacDonald (see below)

In this book Tomislav Sunic describes the origins and dynamics of America's founding myths. Quoting and translating from many long-forgotten or suppressed sources from the fields of literature, history, anthropology and philosophy, the book represents an interdisciplinary compendium dealing with the topic of Americanism. The genealogy of early Calvinist Puritanism mixed with the techno-scientific religion of boundless economic progress and legally veiled in the obscure para-Biblical and Jewish-inspired sense of political self-chosenness, created a system that has little in common with its original design. Postmodern Americanism, with its abstract theories of multiculturalism and its global desire for world improvement, turned America into a menac­ing and self-destructive continent that puts not only the survival of America's European heritage at risk, but threatens the heritage of other peoples worldwide as well.


Tomislav (Tom) Sunic is a former U.S. professor, author, transla­tor and a former Croatian diplomat. Mr. Sunic obtained his doctor­ate in political science at the University of California. In this book he attempts to explain how the postmodern liberal elites justify their system and their intellectual repression against heretics. Mr. Sunic has already published books, scholarly and newspaper articles in French, German, English, and Croatian on subjects of cultural pes­simism and the use and misuse of modern language by proponents of communist and liberal ideology.

ISBN   1-4196-5984-7



From Chapter IV,  Subchapter:

American Neurosis: Love and Hate for the Jews

Mr. Sunic writes:


……..The word "anti-Semite" will likely be studied one day as a telling example of postmodern political discourse, i.e. as a signifier for somebody who advocates the reign of demonology. "Many world-know Jewish authors, haunted by the either real or surreal menace of anti-Semitism, consider it a sickness, which enables them to avoid any form of introspection," writes Ryssen. These remarks support our thesis that the present - however much it may be viewed as post-historical in America - is connected to the recent memory of the past, as both the present and the past affect civic identity, nation-state building, and the memory of Americans, and by extension that of postmodern Europeans.  How does one dare critically talk about the predominance of the Judeo-American spirit in America without running the risk of social opprobrium or of landing into psychiatric asylum, as Ezra Pound once did?  While it is a common place for the vast number of white American elites to crack jokes in private about Mexicans, Africans, or for that matter deride their fellow Gentile citizens, without looking over their shoulder, a critical comment about the staggering influence of Jews in America, even when that comment is founded on empirical facts, is viewed as a grave insult to Jews.  If a serious American scholar or a politician ventures into this forbidden field, his gesture is interpreted as a sign of being an agent provocateur, or worse, as a sign of somebody who decided to write his obituary. Such a schizophrenic climate of self-censorship in America will sooner or later lead to dramatic consequences for both American Jews and Gentiles.  The lack of healthy dialogue can last for a century or so, but feigned conviviality between American Gentiles and American Jews cannot last forever and remain based on distorted perceptions of the Other and how this Other should behave. Mendacity carries the germ of a civil war. The entire Western history, particularly since the First World War, has abundantly proven that distorted self-perceptions, as well as the romanticized perception of the "Other," if based on negative wishful thinking, lead to war and chaos.  Eventually, both American Jews and American Gentiles will be pitted into an ugly clash from which there will be no escape for any of them. 

While a great many thinkers in America unabashedly challenge modern myths and sport staggering erudition and courage in their demolition, the most sensitive point of reference in the twentieth century, i.e., the Jewish question, is carefully avoided.  If the subject of Jews is mentioned in America, then it is usually in a laudatory fashion, which clearly points to a morbid desire of postmodern American white elites to curry favor with the Jews.  These same individuals will be the first to declare themselves certified anti-Semites when an opportunistic moment becomes official enough for pogroms and Jew baiting.  It is the lack of open discussion about the topic of the Jews that confirms how Jews play a crucial role in American conscience building, and by extension, in the entire West.  This is an additional sign of how past times interact with present times.  Twentieth century experience with National Socialism still serves as a powerful red flag in a political semantic field which must be carefully trodden upon.

But contrary to classical anti-Semitic arguments, strong Jewish influence in America is not only the product of Jews; it is the logical result of Gentiles' acceptance of the Jewish founding myths that have seeped over centuries into Europe and America in their diverse Christian modalities. Postmodern Americanism is just the latest secular version of the Judean mindset. Hypothetically speaking, if Jews, by some miracle, were to play a marginal role in America - as they claim they do - then, logically, they would be the subject of a normal critical discussion, just like other American ethnic groups, races, or next door neighbors are.

Blaming American Jews for extraterrestrial powers and their purported conspiracy to subvert Gentile culture borders on delusion and only reflects the absence of dialogue.  American anti-Semitic delusions only provide legitimacy to American Jews in their constant search for a real or surreal anti-Semitic boogieman around the corner.  Without the specter of anti-Semitism, Jews would likely assimilate quickly and hence disappear. Thus, anti-Semitism provides Jews with alibis to project themselves as victims of Gentile prejudice.  Consequently, it assigns them a cherished role of posing as the sole educational super-ego for Americans and by proxy the entire world.  In his book on the social role of Jews, a prominent Jewish-French politician and author, Jacques Attali, writes:  "As Russian Jews invented socialism, and as Austrian Jews invented psychoanalysis, American Jews in the forefront, participated in the birth of American capitalism and in the Americanization of the entire world."  For some Jewish authors, like Attali, such a remark is easier to write down than for a Gentile thinker, who with the same comment, would be shouted down as an "anti-Semite."




And in the conclusion of his book The Oddity of American Democracy, Sunic writes:


........           We seem to be back at the beginning of the book. The egalitarian appetite, once observed in communist Homo sovieticus, is well under way and under a new name in America and in Americanized Europe. American ideology will gain more prominence in the future, as egalitarian dynamics and wide-spread advocacy of permanent economic progress gain momentum. Once, when inequality was considered something natural, as it was in the antebellum South, or prior to the American Revolution, then even the crassest sign of inequality did not offend the observer's eye.  By contrast, when everybody is declared equal even the smallest dose of inequality becomes unbearable.  "The desire for equality becomes more and more insatiable as equality increases," noted De Tocqueville. Consequently, as the American system becomes more and more economically opulent, even the slightest economic crisis, resulting in a small drop in living standards is bound to cause social discord and political upheavals.

It remains to be seen how Americanism will pursue its odyssey in a society in which those who are successful in the economic arena live side by side with those who lag behind.  American ideology prohibits the development of ethical and political values that justify hierarchical differences, such as they were sustained in medieval Europe.  In the near future, Americanism, similar to the former system of communism, will only function as an elementary form of mass survivalism in which interracial wars will be the norm.


Foreword by Kevin MacDonald to Homo americanus: Child of the Postmodern Age by Tomislav Sunic


Perhaps because of America’s role as lone international superpower,   Americans live in a rather self-absorbed, egocentric universe in which the opinions of non-Americans really don’t matter much.  This is unfortunate because, just as in one’s personal life, it’s wise to at least know how others see you, and especially so if the other is a keen observer.

Tomislav Sunic is such an observer.  As someone who has lived under communism and has seen firsthand the workings of state terror, he is in a unique position to describe the current slide of America into what he aptly terms “soft totalitarianism.”  This regime is maintained less by brute force than by an unrelenting, enormously sophisticated, and massively effective campaign to contain political and cultural activity within very narrow boundaries.  Dissenters are not trundled off to jail or beaten with truncheons, but are quietly ignored and marginalized.  Or they are held up to public disgrace, and, wherever possible, removed from their livelihoods. 

         Soft totalitarian regimes can only be maintained by a sense of moral and intellectual legitimacy - the willing assent of the vast majority of the people. Without this legitimacy, the entire apparatus of cultural control either disintegrates or transforms into hard totalitarianism - the truncheons and the gulags.  But here there is a major difference between communism in Eastern Europe and the current cultural regime in the United States.  As Sunic notes, “Behind the communist semantics in Eastern Europe there loomed a make-believe system in which nobody truly believed and where everybody, including former communist party dignitaries made fun of in private.”  However, “in America, by contrast, many serious people, politicians, and scholars, let alone the masses, believe in … the message of the media.”  The people who dissent from the American consensus have been successfully relegated to the fringes. The gods are still worshiped.




But research in the ethnic motivations of people is perfectly respectable. No one would be surprised if Mexican activists proudly and explicitly advocated the interests of Mexicans in immigration and affirmative action.  Nor are we surprised if Jewish activists promoted the interests of Israel.  By the same logic, we shouldn't be surprised if Jewish social scientists are motivated by their ethnic interests.  It is an empirical question that can be investigated like any other question in the social sciences, and I think that the data confirms the hypothesis that the Jews who were central to the origins and influence of these movements had a strong Jewish identification and were motivated by their ethnic interests.



As usual, there is a double standard here.  It is a routine for scientists like Arthur Jensen, J. Philippe Rushton, or Richard Lynn to be called racists when they call attention to the biological roots of race differences in intelligence or criminality.  And my writing on how Jews have pursued their ethnic interests in the intellectual and political arena has been termed “anti-Semitism” on more than one occasion.

Implicitly the charge of racism or anti-Semitism assumes that these writers are nothing more than ethnic activists and that their claims of scientific truth are nothing more than a fig leaf covering their ethnic interests -- exactly the claim that I am making about the role of Jews in the triumph of Marxism, psychoanalysis, and the Frankfurt School.  Unfortunately, the people making these charges of “racism” and “anti-Semitism” typically feel no need to dispute the scientific accuracy of the theories they are trying to discredit or even try to provide evidence of ethnic motivation of the scientists involved.  Simply making the charge is sufficient.  Such is the power of the left.




The importance of the intellectual infrastructure can also be seen with other intellectual and political movements.  Neo-conservatism illustrates the common features of this intellectual infrastructure:  It has been championed by a well-defined group of mainly Jewish authors writing with shared assumptions, a common institutional base in universities and think tanks, access to major media, and mutual admiration. The power of the movement comes not from the work of a few individuals but from its dissemination in the media, its legitimacy in the universities, its promotion by Jewish activist organizations, and its constant repetition in slightly different forms and for different audiences by like-minded intellectuals and writers.

However, this intellectual infrastructure did not occur in a political vacuum.  Also of critical importance was the “intergroup relations movement” which was dedicated to passing legislation and disseminating these ideas in the schools.  The Frankfurt School was a critical part of the intellectual justification for the “intergroup relations movement” in its effort to “eliminate prejudice and discrimination against racial, ethnic, and religious minorities” in the period following World War II. The intergroup relations movement was a multi-faceted effort, ranging from legal challenges to racial bias in housing, education, and public employment; legislative proposals and efforts to secure their passage into law in state and national legislative bodies; efforts to shape messages in the media; educational programs for students and teachers; and intellectual efforts to reshape the intellectual discourse of academia.




Because the Jewish community has been so intimately involved in creating the therapeutic state, it is noteworthy to examine how the Jewish community responds to breaches of decorum -- that is, to challenges to its hegemony.  Here the methods are quite similar to those used in post World War II Germany, as described by Sunic:  “When silencing their critics the German authorities do not need to resort to violent means.  They usually create a cultural smearing campaign whereby a cultural heretic is portrayed as a funny, pseudo-scientific crank that does not merit a place in mainstream publishing houses. Moreover, the heretic is often induced into a self-muzzling behavior making impossible any portrayal of himself as a martyr.”



But the other side of the equation must also be examined -- the traits that predispose Westerners to willingly accept their own oblivion as a moral necessity.  Here Sunic emphasizes the heritage of Christian universalism and, especially in the case of America, the heritage of Puritan moralism.

          As Sunic notes, there is a real prospect of social breakdown given the increasing ethnic divisions in the U.S.  In The Culture of Critique I predicted that the current regime would lead to increased ethnic strife and an increased sense of group consciousness among the European peoples of the United States.  As an evolutionist, it is difficult for me to believe that a racial group would be unconcerned with its own eclipse and domination. 
         At some point the negative consequences to the European population of the U.S. of multicultural ideology and massive influx of other peoples will become so obvious that current levels of control will be ineffective.  We will be like the Soviet Union when it became, in Sunic’s words, “a make-believe system in which nobody truly believed and where everybody, including former communist party dignitaries made fun of in private.”

And if at this point, Europeans stare into the abyss and voluntarily cede political and cultural power, they will have no one to blame but themselves.  But they will be cursed by their descendants.  Perhaps they will one day read Tomislav Sunic’s excellent book and think about what might have been.


Kevin MacDonald

Department of Psychology

California State University-Long Beach


Table of Contents


Preface                                                                                               Foreword by Professor Kevin MacDonald                                                 


Chapter I: Americanism and Anti-Americanism

           - Race and the 'Cull' of the Wild                                          

           - Prime Americanism and anti-Semitism                                  

Chapter II: Twin Brothers: Homo sovieticus and Homo americanus  

-         America in the Eyes of post-communist Europe      

-         The Meta Language of Americanism           

Chapter III: The Origins of Political Correctness and America's 

                Role in Its Perfection                                                        

 - Brainwashing the Germans                                                    

           - Publish and Perish                                                                

Chapter IV: The Biblical Origins of American Fundamentalism    

           - In the Land of Hypermoralism                                              

           - 'Judeo-American' Monotheism                                              

           - American Neurosis: Love or Hate for the Jews?                              

           - American Neo-Paganism                                                      

Chapter V: In Yahweh We Trust: A Divine Foreign Policy                     

           -The Insular Mind vs. the Continental Mind      

          - A War Crime of the Bible                         

Chapter VI: Post-America and Postmodernity                              

           - Real and Hyperreal America                                                         

           - US Calling: A Revocable Nostalgia                                              

Chapter VII: E Pluribus Dissensus:  Exit European Americans      

           - Southern Comfort:  White Man's Discomfort                             

           - Postmodern Agrarians                                                                    


The Oddity of American Democracy                                    

